馬陸一,男,1991年3月生,甘肅天水人,理學博士。現為伟德官网下app官方网站伟德官网下app官方网站副教授,研究領域為微分方程與動力系統。2013年6月畢業于蘭州大學數學與應用數學專業,獲理學學士學位;2016年6月畢業于西北師範大學,獲理學碩士學位;2021年6月畢業于蘭州大學,獲理學博士學位。現已在Commun. Pure Appl. Anal., Differential Integral Equations, J. Math. Phys., Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl.等期刊上發表論文7篇。
[A1] Ma, Luyi; Niu, Hong-Tao; Wang, Zhi-Cheng, V-shaped traveling fronts of fractional Allen–Cahn equations. J. Math. Phys., 63 (2022), No. 021507.
[A2] Ma, Luyi; Wang, Zhi-Cheng, On the existence of cylindrically symmetric traveling fronts of fractional Allen-Cahn equation in R3 . Differential Integral Equations, 34 (2021), 467-490.
[A3] Bu, Zhen-Hui; Ma, Luyi; Wang, Zhi-Cheng, Conical traveling fronts of combustion equations in R3 , Appl. Math. Letters,108 (2020), 106509.
[A4] Ma, Luyi; Niu, Hong-Tao; Wang, Zhi-Cheng, Global asymptotic stability of traveling waves to the Allen-Cahn equation with a fractional Laplacian. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal., 18 (2019), 2457–2472.
[A5] Bu, Zhen-Hui; Ma, Luyi; Wang, Zhi-Cheng, Stability of pyramidal traveling fronts in the degenerate monostable and combustion equations II. Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., 47 (2019), 45–67.
2江蘇省高等學校自然科學研究面上項目,2023.7.1—2025.7.1,高維雙穩型分數階 Laplacian 反應擴散方程的空間傳播,江蘇省教育廳,主持。項目編号:23KJB110024.